MTN Group today unveiled its evolved visual identity, articulating the context behind the logo many have seen since 16 February 2022. It is just the second brand overhaul since the Group was founded in 1994. Back in 2004, the changes made to the brand resulted in MTN taking ownership of the colour yellow that is now synonymous with MTN. Importantly, it also helped to elevate the brand to where it is today, recognised as the most valuable in Africa.

The brand is an extension and visual representation of the Group’s refreshed strategy, dubbed Ambition 2025 and premised on leading digital solutions for Africa’s progress. Through the delivery of this strategy, MTN aims to accelerate growth by building the largest and most valuable business platforms and driving its industry-leading connectivity operations.

“Africa is a continent with enormous opportunity and energy,” says MTN Group President and Chief Executive Officer Ralph Mupita. “We want to play our part in harnessing her potential and supporting her progress by driving digital and financial inclusion. It is a well-known fact that the youth are central to achieving this potential. Whilst we remain focused on all our customers and stakeholders, our brand evolution demonstrates an enhanced focus on the youth.”

The new brand identity is modern, simple, bold, and digitally dynamic. It kicks off with a provocative and simple question, “What are we doing today?” With a clear and concise brand strategy that Opportunity + Energy = Progress, MTN understands that to truly unlock the full benefits and potential of the digital world, people require a combination of drive, progressive thinking, and the right tools.

This rebrand highlights MTN’s commitment to continuously evolve and explore innovative initiatives that provide value to all our stakeholders. A pioneer of progress from the beginning, MTN looks to drive this progress further through action and doing. In delivering its vision, MTN aims to drive a positive shift in Africa and harness the continent’s boundless opportunity.

“Africa is never still. True progress can only be realised by ‘doing’,” says Bernice Samuels, MTN Group Executive for Marketing. “It is off this insight that we launch our new positioning by challenging, celebrating and providing tools for doers because when individuals, communities and countries progress, so does Africa.”

About Ambition 2025
Approved by the Board of Directors in November 2020, Ambition 2025 aims to drive accelerated growth and faster deleveraging, positioning MTN for greater relevance ahead. The strategy supports the socioeconomic progress of Africa and will help MTN reveal and crystallise the value that is inherent in the Group, particularly its infrastructure assets and platform businesses namely fintech solutions; digital services; enterprise services; network as a service; and API marketplace.

MTN is Africa’s leading connectivity and infrastructure business; we hold #1 and #2 positions in all our markets and our networks are second to none. With our scale connectivity business as a base, we are building the largest and most valuable platforms business that is distinctly African.

About the MTN Group
Launched in 1994, the MTN Group is a leading emerging market operator with a clear vision to lead the delivery of a bold new digital world to our customers. We are inspired by our belief that everyone deserves the benefits of a modern connected life. The MTN Group is listed on the JSE Securities Exchange in South Africa under the share code ‘MTN’. Our strategy is Ambition 2025: Leading digital solutions for Africa’s progress.

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The MTN Foundation Uganda, has today, handed over a newly completed sanitary facility to Butabika National Referral Mental Hospital in Kampala. The sanitary facility was constructed with funding from the MTN Foundation following the soaring numbers of mental health patients that caused constraints on the existing facilities.

Initiated by Soul Foundation, a Not-for-profit mental health awareness organization, the MTN Foundation-funded project was executed under the Butabika Sanitation Improvement Project (SIP) with technical support from the Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA).

At a cost of Ugx.333Million, the sanitary facility consisting of 7 waterborne toilets; 3 for the female patients and 4 for their male counterparts was specifically designed to ensure the safety of patients with severe mental illness, providing the highest possible sanitation at the health facility. Additionally, the toilets are water-efficient as they require less water to flush than ordinary ones.

The ultra-modern facility was handed over today in a ceremony held at the hospital, presided over by the health state minister in charge of Primary Health Care, Hon Hanifa Kawooya.

In her remarks, Hon. Kawooya extended her appreciation towards MTN Foundation for supporting the government’s efforts through extending their Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives to the health sector.

“Butabika hospital is the National referral mental hospital in the country, tending to patients from all over the country. I, therefore, applaud MTN Foundation for stepping up to support us by providing this institution with modern sanitary facilities that will positively impact the lives of our patients,” said Kawooya.

While handing over the facility, Enid Edroma, the General Manager of MTN Corporate services expressed MTN’s commitment towards supporting the government to improve service delivery in key sectors.

“Corporate social responsibility is at the core of our operations as MTN Uganda. We believe that as a corporate company, giving back to the community is critical to our business growth as it creates shared value between us and the people we serve,” Edroma said, “We are indeed humbled to have been considered the partners of choice in making a difference in the lives of the patients in this hospital.”

Butabika hospital currently has close to 1000 patients who will benefit from the additional ultra-modern sanitary facility donated by the MTN Foundation.

Speaking at the event, Dr. Juliet-N Nakku, the hospital’s Executive Director hailed MTN Foundation for coming to the rescue of the hospital.

“Given the influx of patients, our old sewerage system had become inadequate. I am glad that the MTN Foundation stepped in to render us support. This facility will help address our sanitary needs while ensuring the safety of our patients, given that we are a psychiatric/mental health hospital,” Nakku said.

Between 2015 and 2017, MTN Foundation, through KCCA donated all the proceeds from the MTN Kampala Marathon towards the installation of modern toilet facilities including water harvesting and bio-gas components in 10 schools around the city. This was aimed at improving sanitation in the schools. To date, the facilities are serving thousands of learners in the beneficiary schools.

KCCA’s Daniel Okello noted that their journey in improving sanitary facilities in public institutions started over10 years ago when MTN constructed similar facilities in over 10 KCCA schools around Kampala.

Edroma reiterated MTN’s commitment towards complementing the government’s efforts in critical areas such as health, education, e-commerce, and youth empowerment.

“MTN is passionate about the well-being and health of the people in the communities within which it operates. It is for this reason that we saw cause in undertaking this project, to make a difference in the day to day lives of the patients in this hospital,” Edroma said.

About MTN Foundation

The MTN Uganda Foundation is a non-profit entity that was inaugurated in July 2007 as a vehicle through which MTN Uganda implements its corporate social investments (CSI). The main objective of the foundation is to improve the quality of life in communities across the country by supporting and implementing sustainable projects in education, health, and other national priorities. The MTN Uganda Foundation is governed by an independent Non-Executive Board of Trustees made up of eminent members of society.

About the MTN Uganda

MTN Uganda is a leading telecoms company in Uganda with a primary objective of carrying on the business of a national operator of a telecommunications network according to the NTO license granted by the UCC. Among our offerings are network services, digital and financial technology services, interconnect and roaming, sale of mobile devices, and MTN Mobile Money (which is conducted through subsidiary MTN Mobile Money Uganda Limited). MTN has a presence in all 134 districts of Uganda. Our services are delivered through a network of 119,077 Mobile Money agents, 200 service stores, and 13 main distributors. At end of June 2021, MTN Uganda had 14.9 million subscribers, 8.6 million MoMo users, and 4.7 million active data users. Visit us at or follow us on and or for assistance.

About the MTN Group

Launched in 1994, the MTN Group is a leading emerging market operator with a clear vision to lead the delivery of a bold new digital world to our 240 million customers in 21 countries in Africa and the Middle East. We are inspired by our belief that everyone deserves the benefits of a modern connected life. The MTN Group is listed on the JSE Securities Exchange in South Africa under the share code “MTN”. We are pursuing our Ambition 2021 strategy with a major focus on growth in data, fintech, and digital businesses.

For more information, please contact: 

MTN Uganda Press Office:

Rhona Arinaitwe: or 0772 123 067

Prisca Baike: or 0782 654 083

The Federation of Uganda Football Association (FUFA) alongside the Uganda Premier League (UPL) have today formally endorsed MTN Uganda, as the Official Broadcast Sponsor of the StarTimes Uganda Premier League on Next Media’s Sanyuka TV. This development promises to compliment the great strides the governing bodies of FUFA and UPL have made in promoting and growing Ugandan football over the years. Under this two-year partnership, MTN Uganda has committed to contribute some UGX 600 million as support to clubs in the league through the MTN Fans Awards that will reward performing players, coaches, and clubs throughout the league season. Depending on table rankings, all clubs will also receive a token financial reward at the end of the season. Under the MTN Fans Awards, fans will choose players and coaches of the month and season. There will also be cash prizes for outstanding players in every match.

The two-year commitment will see MTN Uganda spend UGX 300M per year, with part of the money shared by clubs as prize money at the end of the StarTimes UPL season, increasing the prize money offered by FUFA.
The partnership was announced today in a joint press conference hosted by FUFA, UPL and MTN at the Golden Tulip Hotel in Kampala today.

FUFA has welcomed the move, pointing out the need for harmony between all stakeholders to grow the much-loved sport. Directly speaking about this development, FUFA’s 3rd Vice President Hon. Florence Nakiwala Kiyingi noted, “it’s good for the no.1 telecom network in the country to partner with the no.1 footballing country in the region. Football is an indirect means of communication. It’s a vehicle for economic development and unity. I would be right to say that this partnership is long overdue.” Echoing Hon, Nakiwala’s comment, the Vice Chairman for the UPL board Mr. David Sserebe welcomed Vice Chairman UPL David Sserebe, welcomed MTN back home to Ugandan football, and pondered that “The memories are great; the future is going to be far, far greater.”
On his part, Mr. Bernard Bainamani, the UPL Chief Executive, endorsed the brand when he said, “MTN is a big brand. The coming on board of MTN is a vote of confidence for other big brands to follow suit.”
The Ugandan soccer administration units recognition of MTN’s contribution in promoting Ugandan football through broadcasting the SUPL on TV is a milestone that will see the game reach wider audiences across the country. To compliment the TV live broadcasts, MTN together with Sanyuka TV will activate live viewer parks in different locations especially in Kampala for the public to watch the games and in the process win various prizes through on ground activations. The live match broadcasts and activations will also be extended onto partner radio stations including Radio 4, Akaboozi, Buddu FM and Star FM, plus on MTN social media pages. All information about league as well as activation updates will be hosted on the MTN sports microsite at

The partnership will also see bigger MTN brand presence on match days through activations such as “Ekituuti”, where fans will share their opinions of games live on TV, and the “MTN Fans’ Corner” where fans interact with players and coaches.
On his part, Next Media Services Group CEO, Mr. Kin Kariisa, said, “We are delighted for this partnership – MTN Uganda have been great facilitators of our broadcast of the league to date, and to see them extend this impact to the players, clubs, and secretariat only further strengthens our product.”
Speaking at the press conference, Somdev Sen, MTN Uganda’s Chief Marketing Officer said that: “With the reopening of the economy and permitting of social activities, the timing to energize local football is perfect. This move to recognize the people and institutions that promote local football is a sure way of growing this much-loved sport in our country.”
The StarTimes Uganda Premier League (SUPL) is the biggest local football league in Uganda with 320 scheduled matches in the 2020/21 season, 100 of these matches will be broadcast live as a function of MTN’s broadcast sponsorship package. The league now enters the 2nd half with a game on 09th February 2022 between MTN sponsored KCCA FC and URA at the MTN Phillip Omondi Stadium.
The tournament features 15 clubs with over 400 players and each club will have an appearance on TV during the season. The tournament has an estimated viewership of over 10 – 15 million Ugandans with 3- 5 matches shall be broadcast live weekly.
The cash prizes for the MTN Fans player of the match, player and coach of the month, as well as the Fans Player, Coach and Club of the season, plus the cash contributions to all the SUPL clubs at the end of the season will be announced in due course on the MTN sports microsite
MTN has over the years been involved and has supported Uganda football at national, club and community levels. The company is passionate about soccer as evidenced by its sponsorship of the Onduparaka FC and KCCA FC. MTN recently entered a partnership with KCCA FC to support the refurbishment of their Lugogo based home, now called the MTN Omondi Stadium.

Since it opened shop in Uganda over 20 years ago, MTN’s proactive role in sports has positioned the brand as the biggest supporter of local sports through its sponsorships, partnerships and active engagements with the various sports disciplines including football and athletics among others.

About the MTN Uganda
MTN Uganda is a leading telecoms company in Uganda with a primary objective of carrying on the business of a national operator of a telecommunications network pursuant to the NTO license granted by the UCC. Among our offerings are network services, digital and financial technology services, interconnect and roaming, sale of mobile devices and MTN Mobile Money (which is conducted through subsidiary MTN Mobile Money Uganda Limited). MTN has a presence in all 134 districts of Uganda. Our services are delivered through a network of 119,077 Mobile Money agents, 200 service stores and 13 main distributors. At end of June 2021, MTN Uganda had 14.9 million subscribers, 8.6 million MoMo users and 4.7 million active data users. Visit us at or follow us on and or for assistance.

About the MTN Group
Launched in 1994, the MTN Group is a leading emerging market operator with a clear vision to lead the delivery of a bold new digital world to our 240 million customers in 21 countries in Africa and the Middle East. We are inspired by our belief that everyone deserves the benefits of a modern connected life. The MTN Group is listed on the JSE Securities Exchange in South Africa under the share code “MTN”. We are pursuing our Ambition 2021 strategy with a major focus on growth in data, fintech and digital businesses.

For more information, please contact:
MTN Uganda Press Office:
Rhona Arinaitwe: or 0772 123 067
Prisca Baike: or 0782 654 083

itel, a leading mobile phone brand committed to providing budget-friendly, high quality entry-level devices has partnered with MTN Uganda to accelerate smartphone penetration. This strategic partnership will see itel provide affordable smartphones while MTN avails its best-in-class internet data offers with a common goal of bringing more Ugandans online. itel and MTN officially launched their partnership today in a press conference held at Golden Tulip Hotel in Kampala.
The partnership promises to enhance the value of itel’s offers to its customers through making access to the internet more affordable and exciting. MTN will provide a free 3GB monthly data bundle for Itel devices which will latch onto the MTN network, for three months. In addition to the 3GB, all devices will enjoy 100% data bonus on every data bundle purchased for the first 3 months on the MTN network.

‘We pay close attention to our consumers’ needs, and we try our utmost best to provide products that will satisfy and make life easier to enjoy for them. Our latest product, the itel A58 series, is on par with what our consumers want, and we are sure that they will not be disappointed.’ Says Henry Kijjo, itel Uganda’s Assistant Brand Manager
To kickstart its partnership with MTN Uganda, itel unveiled their flagship entry level smartphone, the itel A58 which comes with a 6.6” High definition waterdrop full screen, 4000mAh battery, lots of memory space in a sleek beautiful design at a pocket friendly price of Ugx.180,000shs only.
Following the partnership, buyers of this high-quality entry-level device will automatically qualify for the 3GB monthly MTN data for three months as well as 100% data bonus on every MTN data bundle as long as they are connected to MTN.

Somdev Sen, MTN Uganda’s Chief Marketing Officer

Somdev Sen, MTN Uganda’s Chief Marketing Officer

Speaking at the launch of the partnership, Somdev Sen, MTN Uganda’s Chief Marketing Officer noted that this partnership further demonstrates MTN’s commitment to drive its vision of delivering a bold new digital life to its customers.
“We envisage that by partnering with itel we shall spur digital inclusion through getting more Ugandans online. We believe that getting online and staying connected is helping transform every sector of our society from entrepreneurship to education, health and everything in between,” Somdev said, adding that the recent revision of MTN’s data pricing will make it easier for more first-time internet users to stay connected more than ever before.
This partnership comes only days after MTN repackaged its daily data bundles to offer customers up to 65% more data at the same existing prices, thus making internet more affordable through giving customers more value for their money. Relatedly, a recent report from a survey carried out by a global telecom monitoring and testing firm, Rohde & Schwarz, in the last quarter of 2021 ranked MTN’s data as the best in the country in terms of quality of user experience as well as speed, reliability and coverage.
This partnership is one of the various customer-centric partnerships that MTN has undertaken with a vision of driving digital inclusion through accelerating smartphone penetration.
Established over 10 years ago, itel is an entry level mobile phone brand with a mission to provide budget-friendly mobile communications technology to everyone. It democratizes technology by giving entry to technology and connectedness to consumers without prior access to it, allowing them to get closer and benefit from their social connections. After more than 10 years’ development, itel has expanded its presence in more than 50 emerging markets globally.

About itel
Established in 2007 in Hong Kong, itel is an innovative brand that specializes in mobility solutions of creating trendy, affordable and reliable smartphones for everyone. With its brand philosophy “join”, “enjoy, the brand has tremendously grown in the cut-throat market, to become a household name in the industry spreading its presence in over 40 countries across the globe. In 2018, “African Business”, most influential business magazine on the continent, ranked itel Mobile the 16th Most Admired Brands for African consumers. Its product portfolio comprises smartphones, tablets and feature phones.

About the MTN Uganda
MTN Uganda is a leading telecoms company in Uganda with a primary objective of carrying on the business of a national operator of a telecommunications network pursuant to the NTO license granted by the UCC. Among our offerings are network services, digital and financial technology services, interconnect and roaming, sale of mobile devices and MTN Mobile Money (which is conducted through subsidiary MTN Mobile Money Uganda Limited). MTN has a presence in all 134 districts of Uganda. Our services are delivered through a network of 119,077 Mobile Money agents, 200 service stores and 13 main distributors. At end of June 2021, MTN Uganda had 14.9 million subscribers, 8.6 million MoMo users and 4.7 million active data users. Visit us at or follow us on and or for assistance.
About the MTN Group
Launched in 1994, the MTN Group is a leading emerging market operator with a clear vision to lead the delivery of a bold new digital world to our 240 million customers in 21 countries in Africa and the Middle East. We are inspired by our belief that everyone deserves the benefits of a modern connected life. The MTN Group is listed on the JSE Securities Exchange in South Africa under the share code “MTN”. We are pursuing our Ambition 2021 strategy with a major focus on growth in data, fintech and digital businesses.
For more information, please contact:
MTN Uganda Press Office:
Rhona Arinaitwe: or 0772 123 067
Prisca Baike: or 0782 654 083

MTN Uganda has today repackaged and launched bigger data bundles at the same existing prices. This move makes MTN’s daily data bundles the most affordable bundles, giving customers more MBs at no extra cost.

In a press conference held today at the MTN Uganda headquarters in Kampala, Wim Vanhelleputte, the MTN Uganda Chief Executive officer noted that the move is a continuous effort by MTN to deliver value for customers at the most affordable pricing and continue driving our customers’ progress through connectivity.



Wim Vanhelleputte, the MTN Uganda Chief Executive officer

“We have revised our daily data offers permanently to give more value to our customers, because it’s our belief that everyone deserves the benefits of a modern connected life,” Vanhelleputte commented.

These new offers focus on the smaller, most frequently used data bundles by our customers. The repackaged daily data bundles have more MBs but maintain the existing price, giving customers more data for the same old price. For instance, at UGX 500/-, customers will get 65MB instead of 40MB while at UGX 1000/-, they will get 165MB instead of 100MBs.

To compliment the customer benefit, MTN has invested significantly in optimizing and rolling out of new 4G data network sites across the country to enhance positive customer experiences. A recent report from a survey carried out by a global telecom monitoring and testing firm, Rohde & Schwarz, in the last quarter of 2021 ranked MTN’s data as the best in the country in terms of quality of user experience as well as speed, reliability and coverage.

“MTN committed to doing all it takes in terms of providing affordable data, on the best data network. And speaking in the context of the times we’re in, we hope these bundles with bigger MBs will support our customers recover from the effects of the lockdown, whether in business, education or otherwise,” Vanhelleputte concluded.

New daily data bundle offers

Validity Price (UGX) Old Data bundles New Data bundles How to buy
Daily (24Hrs) 250 15MB 25MB *150*10#

or use

MyMTN app

500 40MB 65MB
1,000 100MB 165MB
2,000 300MB 365MB


About the MTN Uganda

MTN Uganda is a leading telecoms company in Uganda with a primary objective of carrying on the business of a national operator of a telecommunications network pursuant to the NTO license granted by the UCC. Among our offerings are network services, digital and financial technology services, interconnect and roaming, sale of mobile devices and MTN Mobile Money (which is conducted through subsidiary MTN Mobile Money Uganda Limited). MTN has a presence in all 134 districts of Uganda. Our services are delivered through a network of 119,077 Mobile Money agents, 200 service stores and 13 main distributors. At end of June 2021, MTN Uganda had 14.9 million subscribers, 8.6 million MoMo users and 4.7 million active data users. Visit us at or follow us on and or for assistance.

About the MTN Group

Launched in 1994, the MTN Group is a leading emerging market operator with a clear vision to lead the delivery of a bold new digital world to our 240 million customers in 21 countries in Africa and the Middle East. We are inspired by our belief that everyone deserves the benefits of a modern connected life. The MTN Group is listed on the JSE Securities Exchange in South Africa under the share code “MTN”. We are pursuing our Ambition 2021 strategy with a major focus on growth in data, fintech and digital businesses.

For more information, please contact: 

MTN Uganda Press Office:

Rhona Arinaitwe: or 0772 123 067

Prisca Baike: or 0782 654 083