Add ko with MoMo

What is Wesotinge with MoMo?What is Wesotinge with MoMo?

Wesotinge with MoMo is an awareness campaign that aims to educate customers about the various loan and savings services MTN MoMo offers. We aim to empower our customers by providing instant, affordable, collateral-free loans and savings products that help them fulfill their financial needs.
Get access to various loan and savings products by dialing *165*5#.
Customers can access a loan with interest as low as 2.5% and earn as much as 5% interest on their savings with MTN MoMo.

What services are available under this campaign?What services are available under this campaign?

The ‘Wesotinge with MoMo’ campaign allows users to quickly grow their savings, earn interest on those savings, and access affordable mobile money loans. Below are the services available to customers when they dial *165*5#.

Loan products Rates and Tariffs
MoKash Loans • Get between UGX 3,000 and UGX 1,000,000.
• Loan is valid for 30 days.
• 9% facility fee.
• 9% roll over fee.
MoPesa Loans • Get between UGX 5,000 and UGX 3,000,000.
• 3-day loan – 2.5% access fee (2.5% rollover interest)
• 7-day loan – 5% access fee (2% rollover interest)
• 14-day loan – 7% access fee (3% rollover interest)
• 30-day loan – 9% access fee (9% rollover interest)
MoSente • Get from as low as UGX 1,000.
• 14-day loan at 7.5% facility fee (12.5% penalty fee).
• 30-day loan at 8.75% facility fee (12.5% penalty fee).
XtraCash Loans • Get between UGX 1,500 and UGX 900,000.
• Any-day loan at 8% access fee (0.33% daily interest).
• 7-day loan at 6% access fee (no daily interest).
• 28-day loan at 9% access fee (no daily interest).
• Overdue fees at 9% on the any-day and 28-day loan options.
• Overdue fees for the 7-day loan at 0.33% daily upto 30 days.
MoMo Advance • Get a loan between UGX 5,000 and UGX 500,000.
• 2.75% access fee.
• 0.95% interest after 24-hours
ClinicPesa Health Loan • Get between UGX 3,000 and UGX 1,000,000.
• 30-day loan
• 7% interest
• 7% penalty fee.

Savings products More information
MoKash Savings • Up to UGX 300,000 earns 2% interest.
• From UGX 300,001 – UGX 800,000 earns 3% interest.
• From UGX 800,001 – UGX 1,600,000 earns 4% interest.
• From UGX 1,600,001 and more earn 5% interest.
• Deposit as little as UGX 500.
MoPesa Savings • Savings earn 3% interest per annum.
• Deposit as little as UGX 500.
ClinicPesa Savings •Savings earn 5% interest per annum.
• Deposit as little as UGX 500.
How do customers qualify for a loan from MoMo?How do customers qualify for a loan from MoMo?

To qualify for any loan;
• The customer must be a registered MTN customer for at least six months.
• The customer must have used MTN services for voice and data.
• The frequent use of the following MoMo services increases the customer’s chances of being
eligible for a loan from MoMo;
o Send money to any Ugandan number, bank account, or abroad.
o Buying airtime and bundles.
o Paying using MoMoPay
o Paying your bills, e.g., UMEME, NWSC, URA, etc.
o Receive mobile money from any Ugandan number, bank account, or abroad.

• Customer must have demonstrated good loan repayment behaviors i.e should not be a defaulter of any other loan.

• Some loans require the customer to have deposited savings first, e.g.,
o MoKash
o ClinicPesa

• Other loan services do not require the customer to have deposited savings, e.g.,
o MoPesa
o MoSente
o XtraCash
o MoMo Advance.

Can a customer qualify for multiple loans?Can a customer qualify for multiple loans?

Yes, Customers will have varying loan limits from one service provider to another, e.g., a user can have a loan limit of UGX 30,000 from MoKash and UGX 50,000 from MoPesa.
It is also possible that a customer will be eligible for a loan from one service provider and not another, e.g., a user can have a loan limit of UGX 10,000 from MoSente and not qualify for XtraCash loans.

Are there any restrictions on how the loan can be used?Are there any restrictions on how the loan can be used?

All the loan services except for ClinicPesa and MoMo Advance have no restrictions.
The customer can use the MoKash/MoPesa/MoSente/XtraCash loans to perform any of the following mobile money activities;
• Sending money to any Ugandan number, bank account, or abroad.
• Buying airtime and bundles.
• Paying using MoMoPay
• Paying your bills, e.g., UMEME, NWSC, URA, etc.
• Withdraw at a MoMo Agent.

What services can a customer top-up with MoMo Advance?What services can a customer top-up with MoMo Advance?

A customer can use MoMo Advance to top-up the services below;
• Sending money to any Ugandan number or abroad.
• Buying airtime and bundles.
• Paying using MoMoPay
• Paying your bills, e.g., UMEME, NWSC, URA, etc
Please note that the customer cannot withdraw their advance from an agent or use it to send funds to the bank.

Are there charges for depositing or withdrawing from the savings account?Are there charges for depositing or withdrawing from the savings account?

No. All mobile money transfers to and from the customer’s savings account (MoKash, MoPesa, and ClinicPesa) are entirely free.

What are the terms and conditions?What are the terms and conditions?

The terms and conditions for each of the loan and savings products under this campaign can be found below;
MoKash –
MoPesa –
MoSente –
XtraCash –
ClinicPesa –
MoMo Advance –
Visit for more information.

Can the customer take multiple loans?Can the customer take multiple loans?

No, the customer can only have one loan at a time.
The customer must repay the total loan amount they owe before they can take another loan.
Customers who attempt to take multiple loans will be instructed on the loan they must repay before asking for another one, e.g., “Y’ello. You have an existing loan with MoKash. Please repay it to access this service. Thank you.”

However, a customer can take a MoMo Advance loan alongside any other loan of MoKash, MoPesa, XtraCash, MoSente and ClinicPesa.

If the customer has any queries on the campaign, what should they do?If the customer has any queries on the campaign, what should they do?

They can call the helpline on 100.
They can WhatsApp us on +256 772 123 100
They can Email us at
They can visit the mobile money website at